At SJC Library we offer various Collections

Library Collections

Course Reserves

Check if the library has your class textbook or other required books on Reserve.

Course Reserves

Special Collections

San Juan College Library houses several special collections, many of the collections contain rare books and documents.

Book Bay Display and Staff Picks

Features mostly popular fiction along with best sellers and non-fiction titles.

Southwest Room Collection

Rare books, reference books, circulating books, periodicals and government documents about the Southwest. Books about the Four Corners area focusing on New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Utah. American Indian tribes of the southwest like the Apache, Navajo and Ute are available in the Southwest room. Authors of the southwest including Edward Abbey, Tony Hillerman and Luci Tapahonso are in the collection.

Tom Carter Room Collection

Items such as maps, rare books and journals about geology and earth science.

Other Formats

The library has audiobooks, music CDs, DVDs, VHS, oversize items and other types of media. Look at our section about the Kindle and other e-readers that we will have available.

Salmon Ruins Library

The Salmon Ruins Library holds over 17,000 books, periodicals, and technical reports on the various aspects of archaeology, anthropology, geology, and regional history.

The Salmon Ruins Library is open to every member of the public for research purposes. However, check-out privileges are restricted to members of the San Juan County Museum Association, San Juan County Archaeological Association, and to members of the Totah Tracers.

The Salmon Ruins Library is staffed only by volunteers. If you are interested in more information about volunteering or internship possibilities, please contact the center at (505) 632-2013.

For more information about upcoming events, please contact Volunteer Librarian Jim Snyder Tuesdays and Thursdays at (505) 632-2013.

San Juan County Research Center and Library at Salmon Ruins
6131 US Hwy 64, two miles west of Bloomfield, New Mexico.
(505) 632-2013

Opening Hours:
Monday-Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday-Sunday 9 am – 5 pm
(Winter hours: Sunday 12 pm – 5 pm)

The Salmon Ruins Library holds a number of research collections. Salmon Ruins Library materials are cataloged in the San Juan College Library Catalog.

The Salmon Ruins Collection consists of papers and information on the archaeological development of Salmon ruins by Cynthia Irwin-Williams, noted archaeologist.

  • The Wynhoff collection consists of an extensive sampling of area plant specimens.
  • The Rothrock collection houses numerous items relating specifically to archaeology and anthropology.
  • The collection of the Totah Tracers holds over 1000 items pertaining to genealogical traces.
  • The San Juan Archaeological Society collection contains items of local archaeological interest.

The loan of books and materials from the Salmon Ruins Library is limited to individual members of the San Juan County Museum Association. As a courtesy, members of the San Juan Archaeological Society and Totah Tracers will be extended loan privileges.

San Juan County Museum Association membership cards as well as San Juan Archaeological Society and Totah Tracers membership cards will be required to check out books.

Duration of loan:
Books and other materials will be loaned for a period of thirty (30) days.

The loan period can be extended for an additional fourteen (14) days by revisiting the library or telephoning for renewal authorization.

An overdue notice will be mailed to the borrower if items are not returned on time.

A fee of $2.00 will be charged to the borrower after the first seven (7) days of delinquent circulation.

Suggest Items for the Collection

We welcome your suggestions for items to add to the collection. Please search the catalog first to be sure that we don’t already own the item. 

Suggest Items for the Collection

Phone: (505) 566-3249

Learning Commons

Hours: Mon-Thu 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sat 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.